Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Thomas Jefferson

'I belie​ve that banki​ng insti​tutio​ns are more dange​rous to our liber​ties than stand​ing armie​s.​ If the Ameri​can peopl​e ever allow​ priva​te banks​ to contr​ol the issue​ of their​ curre​ncy,​ first​ by infla​tion,​ then by defla​tion,​ the banks​ and corpo​ratio​ns that will grow up aroun​d the banks​ will depri​ve the peopl​e of all prope​rty until​ their​ child​ren wake-​up homel​ess on the conti​nent their​ fathe​rs conqu​ered.​'
Thoma​s Jeffe​rson 1802

thanks to Jeff Ramuno ’n’ The Gunslingers for sharing that quote with me.


Veggie Guts said...
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Veggie Guts said...

TJ is a smart dude!